Full support for Express Logic' ThreadX OS, providing the best in class development support and debug facilities.
Univers v2.43 is now released:
+ Includes Verilog
+ Configurable peripheral models
+ Static/Dynamic Profiler
HDL Navigator
+ Step and Compare verification
Different ISS's, such as:
A2P (Advanced Architectures), DaVinci (Texas Instruments), Cortex
(ARM), E300 PowerPC, MicroBlaze (Xilinx), Nios II (Altera) , AVR,
8051, and more.
High speed ISS for
Altera NIOS II
Full support for e,s and f type, including caches, customer instructions
(HDL), avalon bus models, disassembly, etc...
High speed ISS for A2P
Full support for all configurations, including Floating Point,
Custom Instructions, C-compiler, disassembly, etc.
Tutorial movies demonstrating some of the features of the Univers tools.