Systems without
a microprocessor are rare for many years, the trend is
designs containing multiple processors for all kinds of
functionality. There is a need for tools to support
multi processor system development; to improve system
design and accelerate the verification. The questions which are often
asked are:
- Can I combine multiple processors in a single environment
to simulate large applications?
- Can I combine lets say, an ARM with 4 smaller
controllers with different clocks?
- Can I build a complete virtual system, including CPU's
and peripherals?
- Can I combine real application code with a real HDL
- I like to change the system configuration by myself,
is that possible?
All these questions are answered positively regarding
the Univers tool. Univers is a true multi core system
development and verification tool, which is very
competitively priced.
You can combine
CPU models (ISSs) with C++ peripheral models and also
with HDL designs (VHDL/Verilog). Each module has it's
own clocks, controlled by Univers. Each ISS has it's own
application window, disassembly window, register window,
etc. You can include multiple independent HDL modules
(top-levels) in the simulated system.